Welcome to another issue of our weekly bulletin! Find out who our upcoming speakers are, what we covered in the last meeting and any other scheduled events.
Be sure to come to the next meeting, Tuesday, August 15th, for a presentation by Ross Schaefer from Flagstaff Shelter Services, along with an opportunity for fellowship with other Rotarians! Don't forget we have moved our meeting location to The Bluffs. It's a great new space which is centrally located and much less expensive for the club and the members.
Club Activity
President Laura called the August 1st meeting to order just after noon. Mary Ann led us in the pledge. We met in our new location in the activity room of The Bluffs. The buffet lunch will be presented on a table when you arrive. Please get your lunch and find a seat. We hope this new lunch arrangement will eliminate noisy interruptions during the meeting.
We welcomed a visitor of Mike Casey's - Victor Yunoshev, a new CPA in Flagstaff who is originally from Ukraine.
Service Projects:
The Service Chair for this Rotary year is Steve Colf. Thanks, Steve!! This month's service project is over! It was the Rotary Golf tournament on July 31. Thanks to all who played, volunteered and donated to this event to benefit our club and Northland Hospice. It is estimated we raised about $12,000.
Social Events:
Tasha is in charge of social events this Rotary year - Thanks, Tasha! The next social is planned for...TBD
Other Club Business:
President Laura passed a bag around and asked everyone to put a small amount in and tell the club what they were happy about. All attending members participated (some with IOUs!) and we got to learn something about each one. We also learned that Kamil Churaev has accepted the position of Treasurer for this Rotary year. Thank you, Kamil!!!
Our speaker was our new District Governor for the 2023/24 Rotary Year, Kevin Pitts from the Rotary Club of Prescott. Kevin shared his vision for his tenure as DG. He is also co-chair of the Mexico-US Friendship Conference and Global Grants Exchange, which will be held in Prescott this year. The 2024 District Conference will be held in Puerto Penasco this year...better known to us gringos as Rocky Point! Best wishes to Kevin for an enjoyable and fruitful year.
Wrap up and Rotary announcements
Split the pot - Maria's ticket got drawn. She did not manage to draw the joker so the jackpot grows...
The Golf Tournament committee will meet Friday at noon at Hospice to debrief this year's event.
The meeting was adjourned after Millie led us in the recitation of the Four-Way Test.