Welcome to another issue of our weekly bulletin! Find out who our upcoming speakers are, what we covered in the April 4th meeting and any other scheduled events.
Be sure to come to the meeting next Tuesday, April 18, for a presentation from Jonathan Stone from Creative Flagstaff... along with an opportunity for fellowship with other Rotarians!
Club Activity
President Meredith called the April 4th meeting to order just after noon. We welcomed visiting Rotarian Linda Tillson and guest Lindsey DeStefano.
Service Projects:
This month's service project is an easy one -- please make a donation to the FALA Interact Club's fundraising drive to provide menstrual products to local shelter organizations, which will support the women and girls utilizing their services. Please donate via their GoFundMe page: https://gofund.me/dec86665
Social Events:
Steve Cervantes announced the club's next social, which is tonight (Monday, April 10th) at 5pm at Dark Sky Brewing on Beaver Street. We hope to see you there!
- Carla Viola gave the preliminary report for our Theatrikos fundraiser event, which was a great success! The initial fundraising estimate is just over $5,200, half of which we will donate to Habitat for Humanity. Many thanks to Carla for her huge efforts organizing the whole event; Chris Verrill, for offering Theatrikos' amazing space, talent, and resources for Rotary's benefit; and all Rotarians who sold tickets and who volunteered to help at the event!
- Laura Trout announced that Lindsey DeStefano and our Rotary club won a Viola Award for our collaboration on the Pathway to Peace mural in downtown Flagstaff! Special thanks to PDG Tonya Watson for her herculean efforts in making this project a (beautiful) success!
Our speaker was Dr. Cheryl Mango-Paget, Coconino County Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Mango-Paget gave a background on the schools and services for which her office is responsible.
Wrap up and Rotary announcements
Split the pot - Carla's ticket got drawn. As she had left before the end of the meeting, Laura drew from the deck on Carla's behalf but the joker remained elusive. The jackpot grows...
The meeting was adjourned after the recitation of the Four-Way Test.